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Points of attention for products and services

Points of attention for products and services

When you are going to make a product or provide a service, you have to take a number of things into account. In this blog you will find everything you need to know when you are going to provide a product or service as your own boss.


1. Voice of customer or VOC

The VOC is the most important thing at the end of the day. By researching, analyzing and evaluating the VOC, you are able to offer the right product or service that alleviates a customer’s pain points. A customer’s voice can be mapped through reviews, forums, emails, social media statistics, or forms.


2. An acceptable profit margin

When you offer a product or service to customers, you must have an acceptable profit margin. By “an acceptable profit margin” we mean a profit margin that is not so thin that at the first unexpected cost the margins are no longer profitable. A margin of 5% is already considered low, while a percentage of 20% is considered high.


3. A pleasant workplace

A pleasant workplace gives weather experts more motivation to come to work. A high motivation generally means a smoother production process or service and less absenteeism. You can make a workplace pleasant by providing your workplace with daily needs such as food and drinks, but also for secondary necessities such as a refrigerator, microwave or something as simple as a monthly order of snacks.


4. Attractive working conditions

Attractive working conditions go hand in hand with a pleasant workplace. You create positive working conditions by accommodating your employees or by compensating for the less attractive aspects of the profession. This includes an extra percentage of hourly wages for irregular, late or long shifts. Attractive working conditions also include the chemistry between the employees themselves. When you recruit a pleasant team, you also increase job satisfaction and work attendance.


5. A fair price

If you make the price of your product or service provided too expensive for the customer, the customer will not see the point in paying for the exchange of money for a product or service. The customer does not think he will get enough for the amount he or she has paid. It could also be that the customer thinks that he or she can fix it himself or can carry out the wrongdoing himself.


Different types of user experience research

A quantitative user experience research gives you insight into the number of users with a certain value. For example, a quantitative study gives:

–          Insight into the number of users of your product or service.

–          Insight into the number of male users as opposed to female users.

–          Insight into the number of grown up users.

The difference between quantitative and qualitative user research is that quantitative user research tells you what is happening, and quantitative research tells you how and why something happens.

A qualitative study: gives you insight into the reason for the outcome. For example, a qualitative study gives:

–          Insight into how a customer’s problems are solved.

–          Insight into how a customer’s problems are solved.

–          Insight into the reason for a customer’s behaviour.
